Refund Policy

SLVRSKN has the right to cancel any purchases prior to processing payment or dispatch.

If you choose to cancel your order pre-dispatch only, you will be refunded any money paid in relation to those purchases.

If you terminate your SLVRSKN account any non-dispatched orders will be cancelled and you will be refunded any money in your account.

Prices don’t include VAT

By purchasing SLVRSKN products or any products on the website, you herby agree not to sell or distribute any of the products for commercial use; products are for personal use only.

If you receive products that no not match your order made online, the price of the product will be refunded using the payment method used when making the purchase.

If any products sold online purchased have faults when they are delivered to you, you should contact SLVRSKN within 2 days to arrange collection and return. Products must be returned in their original condition with all packaging and documentation. Upon receipt of the returned products, the price of the product will be refunded using the payment method used when making the purchase.

If products are damaged in transit, you should report such damage to SLVRSKN upon receiving the products to arrange their collection and return. SLVRSKN is not responsible for paying shipment costs.

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